Over the past two decades, Inventure has successfully completed a large number of small, medium and large size projects and assignments, some of which are briefly described below:

S. No




Blanket Purchase Agreement for Monitoring and Evaluation, USAID

Implementing a three years BPA in association with AiD for monitoring and evaluation of multiple USAID funded projects across Pakistan as a consortium member. 


Capacity Building for Localization of SGDs at district level, EU

Designed and conducted capacity building trainings for localization of SDGs at district level


District Education Plans for enhancing girls’ retention while transitioning from primary to secondary education, Malala Fund

Developed District Education Plans for enhancing girls’ retention while transitioning from primary to secondary education for Muzaffargarh and Rajan Pur.


Strategic Planning of Provincial Assemblies

Facilitated developed of 5-year strategic plans for the provincial parliaments of Balochistan, KP and Punjab.


Development of Operations and Maintenance Policy for state owned assets for the Government of Afghanistan.

Developed Operations and Maintenance Policy for state owned assets for the Government of Afghanistan.


Development of Fiscal Performance Improvement Plan 2018-2022 for the Supreme Audi Office (SAO) of Afghanistan and Capacity Building of SAO staff.

Developed Fiscal Performance Improvement Plan 2018-2022 for the Supreme Audi Office (SAO) of Afghanistan and Capacity Building of SAO staff.


Implemented a USD 9.0 million USAID funded Assessment and Strengthening Program (ASP) as a consortium partner.

Inventure was a member of the consortium which implemented ASP for 5 years. The project aimed to enhance the capacities of local organizations in private and public sectors and worked with more than 100 organizations across Pakistan. It helped to widen and further strengthen the pool of potential USAID/Pakistan implementing partners and host government institutions faced with institutional capacity issues. The interventions enabled local organizations – mostly in public sector to achieve the required institutional standards through a fast track institutional assessment, institutional development and capacity building and compliance assessment process. The Program provided a broad range of institutional development services to improve effectiveness, transparency and accountability in government entities including Office of the Auditor General of Pakistan, National Assembly’ Public Accounts Committee, Local Government & Rural Development Department, The Institute of Chartered

Accountants of Pakistan, Thermal Power Generation Companies, Planning and Development Department, and five public sector universities. The CEO of Inventure worked as Chief of Party for the entire duration of the project.


Development of strategic plan 2016-2020 for Plan International Pakistan.

Facilitated Plan International Pakistan for development of four years strategic plan which had an estimated financial outlay of around USD 100.0 million.


Plan International Country Strategy Review

Designed and conducted consultations for updating the Country Strategy for Plan International Pakistan 


Baseline Study on Gender Equity through Sport and Play. Right To Play

The baseline study was conducted to gather information from multiple stakeholders including young girls and boys, parents, teachers, coaches, community elders and project staff about the role of play that can inculcate gender equality among children, assess their life and leadership skills and access to secure play areas. The study set benchmarks against project indicators for comparison at the end of project. Around 500 children were contacted through one to one interview along with the focused group discussions with the key stakeholders to get to know about their perceptions and viewpoints about gender equality and what role they could play in gender empowerment through awareness raising and their participation in play activities.


Final Evaluation of Generation Amazing (GA) Program. Right To Play

Conducted evaluation to gauge the impact of the program, measure progress made against planned outcomes and to identify and document key lessons learnt during its implementation. The evaluation was aimed at understanding the overall results of the GA program including unintended outcomes and its impact on the lives of target beneficiaries through conducting an evaluation in a structured manner to capture the results of the program and analyze progress against planned outcomes.


Donor mapping and Peer Analysis. Save the Children.

Conducted donor mapping and peer analysis for Save the Children to inform development of Save the Children Pakistan’s strategic plan from 2016 to 2018.


Strategic planning and institutional strengthening of Peshawar City District Government (PCDG), 2016.

The task involved developing a medium term strategic plan for PCDG, followed by sector plan in three priority areas and conduct institutional assessment of PCDG with respect to these plans. Based on this assessment, a set of recommendations were presented to KP Government for institutional strengthening of PCDG.


Technical Assistance for Governance Reforms and Innovation UNDP

Provided Technical Assistance to UNDP for designing and refining the “Governance Reforms and Innovation” project being implemented by the Federal Ministry of Planning, Development and Reforms.


Baseline and Program Scoping Study on Access to Justice commissioned by Oxfam Novib and Saferworld.

The study was conducted in 12 districts of Pakistan namely Charsada, Swat, Kohat, Mansehra, Rawalpindi, Faisalabad, Muzaffargarh, Bahawalpur, Larkana, Badin, Nawabshah and Thatta, with the help of four senior researchers and 24 field enumerators and it involved a household perception survey of 3000 households and qualitative research through meetings and FGDs with lawyers, judges, police, NGOs, and members of Jirgas, Panchayats and other bodies associated with conflict resolution and dispensation of justice.


Research Study on Family Honor and Child Marriages

Conducted a research study on honor and early and forced child marriages commissioned by Plan Pakistan. The study involved meeting with representatives of about 50 groups of men, women, girls and boys. One to one interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with respondents to gather their views and perceptions about the key research questions. On the basis of key findings, actionable recommendations were developed for future programming to discourage and prevent child marriages.


Midterm Review of Country Strategy Paper of ActionAid Pakistan

AAPK program priorities were women and girls’ rights, right to quality education, rights to food and security, just and democratic governance, disaster risk management and curbing the spread of HIV and AIDs. Inventure team assessed livelihoods interventions initiated in the development areas by ActionAid and its implementing partners such as provision of agri inputs, seed bank and organic farming. In addition to conducting IDIs and FDGs with program beneficiaries, the evaluation team also met with AAPk implementing partners, CSOs, alliances, service providers in health and education, networks, activists, journalists, academia and research institutions in 6 Development Areas of ActionAid Pakistan in all four provinces of Pakistan.


Gauging the Impact of Educational Reforms at School Level. DFID

Impact Assessment of educational reforms at school level as a result of five years of Implementation of Punjab Education Sector Reform Program.


Strategic Program Development. World Vision, American Red Crescent

Developed 5 years strategic plans for World Vision and American Red Crescent.


Child Protection Program. UNICEF

Developed Annual Plans for three consecutive years for UNICEF’s Child Protection Program.


Final Evaluation of Country Strategy, Plan International Pakistan

Conducted Final Evaluation of Plan Pakistan International’s five-year country program Pakistan which had a financial outlay of approximately USD 50.0 million. Key thrusts of the program were child protection, education, health and livelihoods, whereas HIV/AIDS and gender were cross cutting themes.


Skills scoping study for developing a market oriented skills program (Technical Education Programm) in KPK and FATA. DFID

The research involved an assessment of the supply and demand of TVET training in KP and FATA through a field survey of sampled districts and frontier regions namely Swat, Peshawar, Mansehra, Dera Ismail Khan, Khyber and FR DI Khan.


End-line Evaluation of Manzil Project. World Vision Pakistan

The evaluation included quantitative assessment of the wellbeing indicators of children and their families as well as a qualitative evaluation of the appropriateness, efficiency and timeliness of inputs, activities and results.  


Improving Household Economy through Sustainable Agricultural Business Support (IHESAS). Islamic Relief Pakistan (IRP)

Conducted a value chain baseline study focusing on agriculture, livestock and forestry sectors in districts Bagh and Neelum of AJ&K. Around 600 HHs were covered in 6 UCs of both Districts along with a large number of Key Informant Interviews and FGDs with multiple stakeholders. This baseline study was commissioned by IRP.


Partnership Workshops. Concern Worldwide

Conducted three partnership assessment workshops for Concern Worldwide for 3 consecutive years. Around 15 partner organizations and Concern Worldwide participated in workshops which focused on lessons learnt, progress review, trust, accountability, transparency, inclusivity and sustainability.


Lessons learnt and Planning workshops

Conducted lessons learnt and Planning workshops for SDC, AKF and World Vision.


Partnership Workshops Welthungerhilfe (WHH)

Conducted two consecutive partnership workshops for DWHH focusing on progress review, lessons learnt and future planning. 


Midterm and Final Evaluation. Swiss Development Cooperation

Conducted Midterm and Final evaluation of SDC’s support to the State Bank of Pakistan which lasted for about seven years. The evaluation involved assessment of microfinance regulatory regime in Pakistan and its comparison with other countries, examination of changes in SBPs institutional capacities with regard to regulation of the microfinance sector covering prudential regulations, monitoring and surveillance systems, human resource capacities, quality and frequency of interaction and exchange between the regulator and the MFIs etc.


Impact Assessment of One to One Sponsorship Program. Islamic Relief Pakistan

Conducted final evaluation of One to One Program for orphan children being implemented by Islamic Relief International in KP, AJK and Punjab.


External evaluation of Integrated Community Development and Empowerment Program UN Funded Program

Conducted external evaluation of the Integrated Community Development and Empowerment Program implemented by AWAZ CDS, funded by UNDP.


Assessment and mapping of services for victims and survivors of Gender Based Violence. American Rescue Committee

Conducted in-depth mapping of services for victims of GBV in 8 districts of Balochistan and KP commissioned by ARC. The research was conducted in Swat, Lower Dir, Upper Dir, Kohistan, Naseerabad, Quetta, Sibi, Jafferabad.


Technical Assistance for Monitoring and Reporting Systems. UNWomen

Technical assistance to guide development and implementation of UN Women’s monitoring, evaluation and reporting systems and processes in Pakistan.


Development of One UN Report. UNDP

Developed first ever annual report for the One UN program in Pakistan, for UNDP.


Pre KAP Survey On WASH. Islamic Relief

Conducted KAP Survey on WASH commissioned by Islamic Relief in District Bagh and Neelum of AJ&K.


Research Study on Cash Transfer and Nutrition, Save the Children

Conducted research studies on Cash Transfer and Nutrition projects in KP, Sindh and Punjab commissioned by Save the Children. The purpose of the research was to identify the gaps and best practices of nutrition and cash transfer projects implemented under PEFSA II by PEFSA Alliance Partners (Save the Children, ACTED, AFC, IRC, OXFAM and Care) for improved future programming.


Research Study on Street Children. SPARC

Conducted research on Effects of Post Flood Migration on Children Living and Working on the street, commissioned by SPARC. The study involved two staged field research in Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkar, Islamabad, Peshawar, Quetta and Multan. Recommendations from this research study provided basis for program design aiming at improving lives of children living and working on the street.


Baseline of MTMRM project. World Vison

Baseline study commissioned by World Vision Pakistan on primary education services and role of teachers and education department in the provision of quality education in district Sukkur covering primary schools for girls and boys in twenty villages. Besides household survey, in depth interviews and focus group discussions were conducted with multiple stakeholders including district education department. Developed 5 case studies besides baseline report.


Mapping and Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance (IBBS) of Most at Risk Populations (MARPs). Canada- Pakistan HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project (HASP)

Conducted Mapping and Integrated Behavioral and Biological Surveillance (IBBS) of Most at Risk Populations (MARPs), commissioned by Canada- Pakistan HIV/AIDS Surveillance Project (HASP). The study was conducted in Rahim Yar Khan.


Importance of Local Government System. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for Citizens' Voice Project,

“Importance of Local Government System” was implemented in District Attock, Punjab to raise awareness and affirm importance of Local Government System. The project was commissioned by United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Citizens' Voice Project. 


Voters Education and Awareness Project. United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for Citizens' Voice Project,

Inventure Private Limited Implemented a project titled "Citizens' Voice for Free, Fair and Peaceful Elections", under a contract with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for Citizens' Voice Project, Trust for Democratic Education and Accountability (TDEA) Inventure is implementing this project in Tehsil Fateh Jang District Attock, Punjab, Pakistan